The pioneers of the digital transformation:
The Netaş Team

At the core of the sustainability approach of Netaş, there is its internal stakeholders. Today, just like yesterday, the company inspires the technology sector in terms of equality of opportunity and diversity with its goals for the future.

Human resources are at the core of the sustainability perspective of Netaş, which prepares its corporate structure for the “future of business”, as well as other organizations in different verticals. 

The company maintains its prestige in the ICT industry and it aims to attract the very best talents, with the business environment and development opportunities it offers in a way that allows its employees to energize their potential at the highest level.

Life at Netaş

Benefit&Banafit Flexible Side Benefit Program

Netaş has flexible side benefit practice as a part of the Benefit&Banafit Program. 

Netaş allows its employees to choose their own side benefit packages, according to their own preferences and needs, within the determined criteria, limits and conditions.

RecogNetaş Reward Portal

Everyone who works at Netaş can reward each other. 

Netaş employees can reward each other or be rewarded on any day of the year for different reasons, in different categories, without having to wait for the end of the year.

Netaş Career & JOBSHOP

Netaş employees are given the opportunity of lateral and vertical transfers to vacant positions in the company, by submitting their candidacy on the Connect Career Opportunities application.

According to the data from 2022, 58% of our employees have been serving in our company for at least 2 years.

For a career at Netaş, applications for vacant positions continue to be received through career portals and

We evaluate the individual performance results of our employees within the framework of the annual premium system, and we ensure that our employees benefit from the multiplier effect of the company’s financial performance that exceeds company targets, by evaluating both individual performance and the company’s financial results together.

Netaş Theatre Company
Netaş Theatre Company, has been staging a play in every season since 2005. During the pandemic, the Theatre Company started to perform online.
Lunchtime Conversations

Netaş has been organizing Lunchtime Conversations in collaboration with different organizations and institutions, with speakers presenting on different topics. 

During the nine Lunchtime Conversations sessions held in 2021, 561 employees listened to experts covering various topics from health to sports, from technology to business life, and from personal development to diversity and inclusion.

During NetaşTalks, the employees share their inspiring stories with their colleagues.
The quarterly internal magazine Planetaş publishes success stories, articles on innovative products and technology, as well as rich content including art, sports, and traveling, all written by Netaş employees.
The traditional Netaş Olympics, where employees compete with each other every year in different sports branches, were held online the past year. During two months, 300 applications were made, and 224 individual contesters joined e-sports events in 268 matches with a total time of 6,150 minutes.
Art of Engineering

The “Art of Engineering” certificate program, a first in Turkey and implemented by Netaş in partnership with the ITU Fine Arts Department, had its second term graduates. 

The “Art of Engineering” program is not only for engineers, but is designed to support interdisciplinary thinking and productivity for anyone who wants to make a difference in their work and to innovate.

Tech To Non-Tech Trainings

Netaş has started the training program called “Tech To Non-Tech” in order to introduce advanced technology to its non-engineering employees.

With the motto “We do not only produce advanced technology, we also train the leaders of the future”, Netaş employees receive training on 5G, Cloud, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain with the new training program.

Netaş COOP Program

Netaş COOP, a long-term internship program launched in 2014, offers nearly 100 students full-time internship opportunities at Netaş R&D Center every year. The program, which is held for three months in three terms – the fall, spring and summer, accepts 3rd and 4th grade students studying in computer, electrical & electronics and communication engineering departments.

Students who take an active role in projects such as VoIP switchboard design, VoIP and web security, IPv6, JITC, Log Wizard, Smart Office and Application Server Replacement and who successfully complete their internship are offered a part-time job while their education continues. Thus, they both continue their training and development processes in the company and gain professional R&D experience. With this program, full-time job offers are made to candidates who have 8-18 months of experience in Netaş technologies, embrace the corporate culture, and prove themselves with their success, passing a certain evaluation criteria and want to shape their careers at Netaş.

Within the scope of the program, 77 students from contracted universities participated in the long-term internship program in 2021, and 12 students had the opportunity to work with R&D teams in full-time and/or part-time engineering positions. To date, 250 out of 1,032 students who have participated in the program have joined the Netaş family on a part-time or full-time basis.

Future with Netaş

BAU Netaş Techno Academy
Netaş employees can apply to in-workplace post-graduate programs with a 60 percent discount. Hereby, Netaş offices turn into a campus for its employees.

n-telligent institute

The reputation of Netaş being an engineer school turned into an actual school. The n-telligent institute, which already made Netaş knowledge open to its ecosystem, is also investing in its own employees. The institute focuses on improving both the social and technical skills of Netaş employees, in order to raise future leaders.


“Artificial intelligence” training was added to the NextCoders program, which consists of mathematics and coding training for the children of Netaş employees, and it was extended to a total of 40 weeks. The NextCoders program, which gave its second semester graduates in December, moved online during this period.

Internal Trainer Program

The n-telligent institute training center has developed an Internal Trainer Program that will support talent and career management in line with its human resources goals, prioritize employee motivation and focus on increasing productivity. 

Training programs are designed according to the competence development needs of Netaş employees by training 37 internal trainers in 2021. Different training contents in the fields of technology, professional and self-improvement are placed in the live virtual classroom environment and training platforms.

Umutluyuz (We have hope)

Thanks to the Netaş spirit, the Netaş employees are part of the social transformation as much as they are of the digital transformation. 

Within the scope of the Umutluyuz [We have hope] Voluntary Platform of Netaş, employees participate in voluntary works, including reading projects for visually impaired people, and cooperate with NGOs and make donations.

Netaş Orphans Foundation
The Netaş Orphans Foundation, which was established 31 years ago within Netaş, supports the education of the children of their deceased colleagues.
Netaş migrates its HR processes to the most innovative structure

With SAP Successfactors, Netaş migrated its human resources processes to the most innovative structure. Designed to provide a better employee experience, the Successfactors application is built on an infrastructure that can offer an integrated employee lifecycle as well as end-to-end solutions covering the entire workforce. 

Standardization was achieved among group companies. Business units have been able to view candidate and employee data, while receiving reports without requesting any HR employees, within their authority, through the system.

Netaş Employees in Figures

The average age of Netaş employees is 32 and 30 percent of the employees are women. The total number of employees reached 2,140 by the end of 2021.
Employee engagement survey

Netaş conducted an employee engagement survey throughout the company including subsidiaries in January 2022. 

The company-wide participation in the survey was 74%. The employee engagement survey results are measured in accordance with the Turkish Norm, the Global Norm and the High Performance Companies Norm. 

Based on the survey results; the strongest area is proved to be the “Customer Focus” with the rate of 85%. All results are shared transparently with Netaş employees and senior management.

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